Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Un Mes en Madrid

June 24, 2013

You would think that the plane ride would be the most fascinating part of a journey to children, especially the first one ever.  I mean, even as an adult I love the plane, watching the landscape beneath me get smaller.  The cars, buildings, interstates, rivers, ponds and trees become tiny specks until they mesh into one and then we reach the clouds and finally fly above them.  And yes, my children enjoyed it, but not as much as I expected.  The smaller one with her vivid imagination kept asking, “What if we fall from the sky?” and when we were over the ocean, “What if we fall and sharks eat us?”  She refused to look out of the window.  The other was focused on her electronics as most children (and even adults) are these days.  More exciting to them was the moving sidewalks and escalators at the airport.  With a five hour layover I bet my oldest daughter and I (and Rainbow Dash, her favorite My Little Pony) rode the same one near our departure gate twenty times.  Still, my girls traveled surprisingly well and I was proud.  

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