Sunday, July 2, 2017


I feel I can handle stress and pressure well.  Though my wife tells me I should focus more on one thing, I tend to focus on several things all at once.  This takes time and energy but I enjoy it.  However, I assumed when school was out that I would have time to do more writing, reading, and prepping for our trip.  Time to relax before the journey,” I mistakenly thought. 
Instead I picked up another job teaching online, enrolled the girls in lessons and camps, my sister-in-law has a wedding (congrats!) and I am trying to do as much with friends and family around Memphis as I can before I go.  Add this to selling our home and possessions, storing the rest, attempting to build a blog and Internet presence, travel plans, lesson plans for homeschool… And I’m certain I left something out.
The stress is here.  Not overwhelming at this point, but I can feel the tension in my body and I can see how I react quicker than normal.  The exercise, the meditation, they help, but they can only do so much.  With only two or three weeks before our adventure I am hoping life will slow down for a bit.  But whom am I kidding? 
Just a rant to let everyone know it’s not easy giving up one lifestyle for another, especially when the future is completely unknown and the roots at home are deep.  Be sure to do a lot of introspection and planning before making a big life decision life we did.  Not that we are having doubts, but the effort required is not a small one...

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